Mead Street

Mead Street is part of the Temple Quarter and St Philip’s Marsh regeneration area. Within the emerging Temple Quarter development framework, Mead Street has been identified as an area for a mixed new neighbourhood that could include new homes, workspaces, transport routes and public space. The area is ideally located for new homes and jobs. It is well-connected, within walking distance of Bristol Temple Meads and Bedminster railway stations, including a new proposed southern entrance to Temple Meads station, as well as key public transport and active travel routes in and out of the city, helping to support the city’s ambition to reduce carbon and make sustainable travel choices easier.

In late 2021 and early 2022 we engaged with the local community and businesses on emerging planning principles and guidance for future development in Mead Street. This has informed a draft development brief for the area. The development brief will guide future change in the area and sets out key principles for new development in order to make Mead Street a high-quality place that people want to live and work.

  • Deliver new homes and workspaces that people are proud of and that represent the local community
  • Provide better sustainable travel routes
  • Create high-quality public places and support a low-carbon neighbourhood
  • Create high-quality green space

A consultation on the draft Mead Street development brief closed on Monday 4 July 2022.

Following feedback from the public in this consultation, the development brief was endorsed by Bristol City Council’s Cabinet on 2 August 2022. The document will now be considered alongside planning policy and site analysis to guide future development at Mead Street. Detailed designs, including the height parameters, locations and appearances of new buildings, lie outside the scope of the brief and will be determined through detailed planning applications as individual sites within Mead Street come forward. These will be subject to statutory consultation through the planning process.

You can read the development brief here

Regeneration nearby

We’re aware that this consultation, and recent community engagement and consultation on plans for development at Whitehouse Street and at Bedminster Green have given rise to concern locally about the scale and pace of change in South Bristol.

By keeping a holistic view on how Mead Street, Whitehouse Street and Bedminster Green can complement each other, we are working hard to create a series of well-connected sustainable, low carbon communities that will benefit local people, where it is easier to walk, cycle or catch public transport to jobs, education, training, shops and hospitality.